03 August 2021

Pump Replacement at ESA Estec

Pompen vervangen bij ESA Estec

Acclon has equipped ESA Estec’s LSS simulation chamber with 4 magnetically levitated turbopumps with high compression for light gases. From a technological standpoint, the old oil-lubricated vacuum pumps and turbopumps were replaced.

“Can you equip the LSS simulation chamber with 4 magnetically levitated turbopumps with high compression for light gases?”

This was the request from ESA Estec one year ago to replace the existing pumps with new vacuum technology. The old oil-lubricated vacuum pumps and turbopumps had served their time and were due for replacement—not because of operational hours, but due to technological advancements. Oil-lubricated forepumps and hybrid-bearing turbopumps are increasingly being replaced by dry or oil-free alternatives.

Technological Advancement

The nXRi multi-roots pumps with STPiXA-3306 Maglev turbopumps fully meet this demand for technological innovation. These pumps represent state-of-the-art vacuum technology and provide high compression for light gases. The request to install the pumps on-site was also carried out seamlessly, allowing the customer to outsource the entire upgrade. In collaboration with West End Machinefabriek, a successful on-site installation was completed. All parties are highly satisfied with the results and look forward to future projects.