Vacuum oil

Ultragrade Performance Vacuum Oil

Ultragrade Performance vacuum oil is specifically formulated to improve vacuum efficiency and to perform exceptionally well at high temperatures without degradation.

The key applications include:

  • Compact rotary vane pumps that require high cold start capacity or reduced starting torque;
  • Small to medium-sized dual-stage rotary vane pumps where an excellent ultimate vacuum and superior lubrication are desired;
  • Gearboxes and drive shafts operating under vacuum or reduced pressure. Large single-stage rotary vane pumps that require a heavier oil grade to form a vacuum seal;
  • High-capacity dual-stage rotary vane pumps, especially when used under heavy loads or accelerated operating cycles.
  • More than 25 years of in-house experience

  • Over 1,000 satisfied customers served

  • 2,000+ products in stock

Ultragrade Performance Vacuum Oil

Product variaties

Ultragrade performance vacuum oil 15, 19, 20, 70

Product description

Vacuum oil

Ultragrade performance vacuum oil 15, 19, 20, 70

Product description

Vacuum oil


Ultragrade, Fomblin, Krytox, Inland


½ ltr, 1 ltr, 4 ltr of 4x4 ltr

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