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The STPiS series turbopumps are highly reliable, vibration-free, and maintenance-free due to their fully magnetic bearings. These pumps feature magnetic bearings that completely suspend the rotor, making them ideal for applications that require minimal maintenance, low vibration, hydrocarbon-free pumping, and high operational reliability. The capacity ranges from 300 to 4500 l/sec, with and without drag stages for high fore-vacuum resistance.

The STP Maglev pumps (from the STPiX series) are highly reliable, vibration-free, and maintenance-free due to their fully magnetic bearings. These pumps are equipped with magnetic bearings that fully suspend the rotor, making them perfect for applications requiring minimal maintenance, low vibration, hydrocarbon-free pumping, and high uptime. The capacity ranges from 300 to 4500 l/sec, with and without drag stages for high fore-vacuum resistance.

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